Love in the Time of COVID-19
CDC Illustration of ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses This post is going to focus on one...
Know Your Natural Perfume
Maybe you’ve always been a little curious about the ingredients listed in your favorite perfume....
Sound & Fog Anniversary Candle
In celebration of Sound & Fog reaching a milestone since opening its doors three years...
Filigree & Shadow on Fragrantica
Thank you, Fragrantica, for listing our perfumes in your database! If you an avid user...
Do something creative every day. Launch something different each month. Introducing TEST PRESSINGS, a monthly...
Vegan Certification
Vegan Action has new requirements for its vegan certification. Starting this year, two documents must...
ETHERIEL in Seattle Bride
Article: Susannah Bradley; Photo: Hayley Young Thank you, Seattle Bride Magazine, for including our fragrance...